5 simple Steps to follow for studying the night before your exam
If you’re reading this, there’s a chance you’re sitting at your desk after 12 am procrastinating studying for the exam you have next day and instead searching for a solution online. Well I’ll make this short and sweet for you to not spend much more time looking around and checking your phone on tiktok or Instagram, and for you to now ACTUALLY STUDY for that test you have in less than 24 hours.
Step #1 : Prepare coffee
If you can’t drink coffee, make hot chocolate or tea. Having a drink beside you will help you focus, and in my opinion a warm drink is much better than a sugary energy drink that will pump you for a short period of time then make you feel terrible and want to pass out.
Step #2 : Turn on your lights
I know most of you knight owls are now sitting in the darkness like some sort of batman or something. Get up and turn on the lights, it will help u not feel in the zone to sleep and wake you up to reality making your body feel like it’s time to be productive…not to rest.
Step #3 : play music, but NOT on headphones
Playing music in the background such as lofi hip-hop and classical jazz is a great method to remove the silence that would distract your brain thouout the night, but having your earphones on while doing so might result in even more sleepiness and eventually passing out on the keyboard and waking up to the screen saying “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…”
Step #4 : Treat it like a game
Set yourself a timer until 4 am for example, and see how much you accomplish in those 4 hours, make a challenge for your self to see if you can beat the system and study only last minute just to get a grade you’re satisfied with. Trust me this will help ALOT even for your job or doing chores, You can do a checklist of the topics you have to finish and check each one after it’s done too.
Step 5# : Teach yourself out loud
Talk for the love of god speak loudly, I know the whole house and even your pets are sleeping peacfully, but even if you can whisper that would help. Talk to yourself and use hand gestures while reading the explanation. treat it like a voiceover of a class room, roleplay as the teacher and the student, whatever style you want to go for, it is better than staying silent while drawing with your pen on that blank piece of paper.
Additional Bonus step :
Leave the article and start studying NOW…
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