You Don’t Need To Study In Your First year During University

LC Magazine
4 min readApr 3, 2023


Throw away those books (only for now)

I know, the title sounds like your deep thoughts convincing you to quit school, stop all your responsibilities and go sell shoes instead or something. But just hear me out for a second.

Now obviously this “advice” varies in use from one student to another, it depends on so many factors such as the background knowledge they have, the major they have chosen, and multiple other factors. But as my older brother have told me for years, I believe that the one main and most important factor to keep up with at a young age is…Making Connections.

Even at a young age, I’ve seen alot of people in university struggle in their later years to reach a certain department, or a specific offer that can be set foot on by someone they have absolutely no idea who they are, or what they do. Joining university as a freshman is the equivalent of joining a match of free for all; it’s every man for himself. No one will help you the most as a student but yourself, you would be surprised of how much value you can get by going to the Dean's Office, or a professor that you know is essential to the university’s syllabus in your major. A simple visit every other week and assuring your appearance is remembered can go a very long way.

Your Face is Your Biggest Proof

Yes, your lovely face is what you need show off as much as you can. Skipping classes in the first year should not be an option, for multiple reasons such as not getting used to it for the later harder years, not having to catch up on so many slides in the exam season, but most importantly to prove that you’re a valid student. If You go and sit infront during every lecture in that one topic, that you know you might struggle with later on, I guarantee you that professor will be much more willing to help you than that one kid he saw maybe once or never sitting in the middle of the classroom and not necessarily being careless. They can be very much focused and invested but it doesn’t matter because in that professor’s eyes…he’s never seen them before so they’re not different than the rest of the 99% of the students. So be in that 1% and make your self memorable in their eyes and their memory.

Gotta Catch ’Em All

And no, not talking about Pokémon although it’s a fantastic game that I miss playing, but you need to collect every single person’s email and contact info that might help later on during your journey. Asking for a professor's email or someone who works in university is the equivalent of telling them “YOU ARE IMPORTANT”, it gives them that nice feeling of being wanted and it does also raise their ego so do not be surprised that they will provide it for you gladly and without any hesitation, and you bet they will remember you once you shoot them an email later on. If you manage to make a large amount of employees in the university remember your face & your name then you are golden. Universities are huge unlike schools when it comes to the number of students being interacted with on a daily basis. So having the edge as little as having your identity memorized must be taken advantage of.

Show respect and appreciation

Listen, no one wants to be a dick rider or a kiss-ass to anyone, but when it comes to university then does it really matter ? The one thing you’re really doing is helping out your career. So as much as it can hurt, especially if it’s a professor or a worker you heavily dislike, make them feel like they are GREAT, like they are amazing at what they do, they’re very helpful and that you generally prefer them over others, if you can make them smile atleast a couple of times then you created this subtle connection and now you have a better chance of getting help or advice in an easier way of getting what you want.

Sniff around like a mouse

There’s a saying and it goes : “If you don’t mess around, you won’t find out”

And that is completely true, you won’t be able to know all the ins and outs that will help you know who’s in charge and how to reach them…by staying in your dormitory or exiting the university building as soon as you finish your class. My advice for you as a new student is to take some time of your days that don’t have as many classes, and during the work hours walk around and check your professor's work ours, their offices, the different departments around the university and all of that. It will help you have a better understanding around the place, they’ll remember you better since you met them in a place where they don’t meet individual students that often, and finally atleast you get some cardio done so that should be a positive for you.

Thanks for reading, my name is Ahed and I’m an 18 year old freshman in the University Of Debrecen in central Europe. I created this Magazine to document my college years and give my advice and tips on personal current experiences for others to find useful. make sure to clap :)
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